Short Stories

One and done. Get a complete story in a single sitting, each starring one or more of your favorite monsters.

Looking for longer fiction? Check out my novel Sorcerer.

Dear Eijiro

Iefyr tries to entertain himself while Silvercreek enacts a quarantine to prevent disease from spreading, filling Eijiro in on his endeavors.

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When Fydes Met Greggurr

Paladin Fydes searches a ruin for a long-lost treasure on behalf of a noble family, but instead he finds a mouthy bugbear.

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To Flip a Switch

After Eijiro tries to take the law into his own hands, he finds himself broken in more ways than he could have expected. And the healing process takes its toll on him.

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Standing Still

Greggurr learns of his fate in the afterlife, the same for every bugbear, and searches for an alternative.

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The Gilded One

A human resolves to defy nature itself and conquer death, but in doing so, he peels away the layers of his own humanity until all that remains is something else entirely.

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